Friday, December 14, 2012

Meatballs and more meatballs

Meatballs are versatile and inexpensive. My basic recipe is one part ground beef, one part ground pork, one part ground chicken, two eggs, about a quarter cup of chia seed and seasonings, sometimes I add either almond meal or coconut flour. Or I follow the recipe for Thai Beef Balls, but substitute almond flour for the wheat flour. Then it sits in the refrigerator an hour or so to chill and hold it’s shape better. Rather than baking the meatballs, I fry them in a wok, since lard is the 2nd best natural dietary source of vitamin D (after fish oil) and it holds up well to high heat, it’s often my choice for frying. However, I sometimes use coconut oil too. Frying is faster because our oven is very small, it won’t even hold a half sheet of cookies. 
If I need ground beef, I break up the meat balls, but generally I just use them as is, warming them in the sauce de jour. I like to make zucchini noodles to serve with them when the sauce is Italian. I won’t lie and say that  strips of squash taste just like pasta, but that doesn’t make them bad, just different.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that recipe, and the info, Theresa. I plan to try that. Interesting, your comment about cooking with lard...I didn't know it was a source of Vit.D. My mother-in-law just got a batch of fresh rendered lard to use for her peppernut recipe. (wonder if that could be adapted?) Anyway, I'm liking your cooking blog & will check back often. thanks! -k
