Saturday, December 8, 2012

Being prepared-part 2

Another strategy that helps in the avoidance of fast foods is making your own convenience foods. When I was younger and in the thrall of grains, that meant things like Bisquick  and Make-your-own-mix but now it means meatballs and crudités.

Colored bell peppers and jicama do satisfy the urge for something sweet. The trick is to have them ready to eat. I try to peel and slice jicama when I bring it home.  Green and ripe bells get sliced too, so does carrot and cucumber. Not all of them but just enough to have a tempting variety. Homemade dressing and dips make them more satisfying.

While our young mother is cooking dinner, she can be thawing the meat for the next day. Or after everyone eats putting tomorrow’s dinner in a slow cooker without thawing, either cooking it overnight for reheating the next day or refrigerating everything until the morning and letting it cook while she’s away.

I’m a big fan of  pork and tomatillo sauce cooked in the slow cooker. The pork turns out fork tender, I like to add media crema to the sauce, Husband doesn’t tolerate dairy so I just do it to my portion before serving.

There is a lot of information online about cooking once  a month and freezing the meals.  It would be easy to adapt the information and recipes to a grain free lifestyle.

I think the trick to making is to make it as easy as possible, to look for potential problems and avoid them.  When we went grain free, I either gave away or tossed everything that we were no longer eating. But, and this is a big but, I don’t beat myself up if I eat the occasional slice of pie or fret if I am out. I’m not allergic in the conventional sense to grains and sugar, I do feel hung over and achy the next day.  

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